Thursday, January 20, 2011

disobidance themes responce

If i signed up in the military i would fight even though i dont agree on why we are going to war. The reason i would fight is because i made the choice of signing up and its a job u cant just walk out and if I do i will be thrown in jail for along time and wont be able to get certain jobs later on in life.

If someone came to this contry illegally and knocked on my door i would give them some water and a quick snack and tell them to be on there way. Plus if someone came to this contry illegally the chances are they dont know english so helping them would be hard to do.

I would move to a different contry and never come back because if i dont report to the army i will be thrown in jail or dragged into the army anyways. Plus in the past people moved to canada when the draft was used. so i would do that or down to mexico.

Its ethinic studies i dont really care. i wouldnt particpate in anything to do with the class or walk outs.

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